Energy Alternatives & Critical Minerals - Canada

Detailed, accurate mapping at your fingertips in ArcGIS, AccuMap, GeoScout, Petra, GeoGraphix and all other mapping applications. Coverage for all areas of Canada. Includes Renewable Projects (Solar, Wind, Hydroelectric, Geothermal, Biomass, Ethanol), Non-Renewable Projects (Coal, Natural Gas, Diesel, Oil, Nuclear), General Culture, Electric Transmission, Critical Minerals, Major Mineral Deposits, Mines, Ore Bodies, Oil and Gas Fields, Pipelines, KMZ files for Google Earth, Layered PDFs.


2025 Pricing
Annual License Subscription

>100,000 BOE/d USD $20,000 per year
<100,000 BOE/d USD $18,000 per year (discounted 10%)
<60,000 BOE/d USD $16,000 per year (discounted 20%)
<20,000 BOE/d USD $13,000 per year (discounted 35%)
<10,000 BOE/d USD $10,000 per year (discounted 50%)
<2,000 BOE/d USD $7,000 per year (discounted 65%)

Note 1: for gas production please use a 6:1 conversion to BOE (1 BOE = 6 mcf)
Note 2: A service company's annual license fee will be based on the revenue of the company and not on production
Note 3: North American Shales is discounted 15% for each other set that a company licenses (due to geographic overlap)



  • Full Set of Shapefiles for ArcGIS, Petra, GeoGraphix, and other applications

  • ArcGIS Maps and Layer files

  • Hard copy prints of maps

  • KMZ files for Google Earth

  • Layered PDFs of maps

  • Access to annual updates and additions to mapping

  • Coverage for all provinces and territories

FEATURES PROVIDED: (partial list only)

  • General: provinces, municipalities, highways, roads, railways, towns, populate places, hydrology, ports, electric transmission lines

  • Renewable Projects: Biomass, Battery Storage, Geothermal, Hydrothermal, Hydroelectric, Solar, Wind, Wind Turbines

  • Non Renewable Projects: Coal, Diesel, Natural Gas, Nuclear

  • Oil & Gas: Oil & Gas Fields, Oil Pipelines, Natural Gas Pipelines, Oil Refineries, Sedimentary Basins

  • Mineral Resources: Critical Mineral Deposits, Major Mineral Deposits, Mines, Ore Deposits, Helium Exploration Areas, Lithium Project Areas, Metal Works

  • Electricity Generation: National, Province (proportion of total by type)

  • Solar Potential

  • KMZ files: Mineral Resources, Non Renewable Projects, Renewable Projects, Wind Turbines